Our motive is to help the poor, helpless and orphan children all over the world.

Latest News

Contact Info
  • John Doe
  • 3982 Browning Lane Carolyns Circle, California


Covid Update

Our most important priority remains the safety and well-being of both our residents and our staff. We will be implementing the following,
• Securing Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) for the facility
• Screening all employees upon entrance to the facility for any signs/symptoms of infection
• Enforcing safety guidelines issued by state and federal government are implemented
• Restriction of non-essential visitors
Our goal is to try to keep COVID-19 out of our facility, and if it is found, to minimize the spread to anyone else. If the facility does have a positive case, our staff will notify all residents and their emergency contacts within 24 hours and work closely with local public health officials to determine the best course of action.